Saturday, June 18, 2016

KOTR Score Update 2

It's a beautiful Saturday, June 18th, which can only mean two things: Go Skateboarding Day is coming up (So get out there and skate!) and I've tallied up the scores for yet another update on King of the Road 2015. My recreation of The Book was updated yesterday, and you can click that link to look at what I think the scores are. If you want to read up on what compelled me to do something like this, here's my original post where I explain that.

Earned Score: 2530
Speculative Score: 2730

Toy Machine
Earned Score: 2750
Speculative Score: 2750

Earned Score: 4390
Speculative Score: 4890

Birdhouse is not only still winning, but actually seems to be pulling ahead of Toy Machine, which makes it all the more amazing, because we're well past the point where points come easily. Of course, Chocolate is actually catching up with Toy Machine a little bit, so it's pretty likely that Toy Machine just didn't score a ton of points for this particular episode/webisode.

I'm still endlessly entertained at the fact that Mike Davis is working so hard to get the most make-outs while competing with absolutely nobody. He could have made out with 3 women to get those 50 points and he's already topped 40, despite probably pissing off his girlfriend in the process.

Axel Cruysberghs is still the hardest working and Elijah Berle is still on top for MVP. As for Least Valuable Player, by my count, Stevie Perez has the fewest points, and seems to be mostly just chilling and skating. That might actually make me like him even more, but that's neither here nor there.

Point is, KOTR is still super entertaining and I love it. If you haven't checked it out already, I don't know what you're doing here in the first place, but go ahead and check it out so you can join us in watching this skate-fueled, stupid debauchery.

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